Buy a Tube Feeder and get Half off any bag of seed!

February may be the month for love, but it’s also National Bird Feeding month! With such cold weather, there’s no better place for birds to be than at a feeder. For some lucky bird watchers, many birds will have traveled to lower elevations to avoid freezing. This is the perfect time to invest in a new tube feeder and see many unique birds. With so many colours, materials, and sizes to choose from, tube feeders are a bird watchers best friend.

Feed finches with mesh or Nyjer feeders and watch as freshly-molted Goldfinches feast on their contents. Bigger birds may enjoy large port tube feeders, with California Scrub-Jays, Northern Flickers, and Doves using seed trays to eat large seed blends like No Mess DP. Of course, no matter the tube feeder, the birds are just happy to be fed! Some tube feeders may even come in EcoClean, a material specifically designed to minimize germs and prevent disease from spreading. What better way to help the birds this winter keep warm than a brand new tube feeder? Show your love for birds this February at Moana Nursery, for each tube feeder purchased enjoy 50% off any bag of bird seed!